14 Day Summer Cleanse: Day 4

For those of you with toddlers or who are familiar with toddler behavior, you know the above pictures are uncommon. No, I’m not talking about the boots- because you know how persistent an 18 month old can be about wearing “boots” in the middle of summer! Yesterday, my daughter grabbed my fork and started digging into my salad and LIKED it. I ran inside to grab my camera as she continued with her “Mmmmmmm’s!” After I got over my initial shock, I actually had to yank my fork from her and bring her own out.

No, this has never happened in our house, even where green food is common place. I strongly believe this happened because all I have been eating around her the last 3 days is salad and smoothie! Normally I eat most of my green smoothies and salads at work, but since I’m off for the summer she is seeing it for every meal. Perhaps parental eating habits do matter? Maybe it’s a case of “You have it, I want it” toddler envy? AND apparently it doesn’t exclude salad. When will we see a major university do a study on this stuff? Read on for Day 4….


1. Daily Affirmation:

“Right this second my cells are forming from what I feed my body.”

It is so important to remind yourself that your body is rebuilding itself with the awesome whole food you are putting into it these 14 days. It is LOVING you for that! The old saying “You are what you eat” is true! The molecules you consume become the molecules you’re made of. Sugars, Trans-fats, processed carbohydrates, antibiotic and growth hormone laden meat that the majority of Americans eat will not build a healthy body. When I was diagnosed with cancer my diet mirrored that typical SAD (Standard American Diet.) I ate “low fat” and counted my calories and went to the gym, but I never considered the source of my food. I also wouldn’t touch a vegetable and rarely ate fruit. So I want you to commend yourself this week for what you’re doing and all of the bad eating habits you are emerging from! It is painful at first (at least it was for me) but like any habit you break from, you emerge with a wisdom that you didn’t know before overcoming the grasp of the addiction.

2. Today’s Menu:

Breakfast– green tea, GaGa Smoothie (1 cup organic almond milk, 1 large banana, 8-10 strawberries, 2 Tbsp raw almond butter, 1 large handful spinach, optional- honey to taste)

Snack- green juice (tomato, carrot, cucumber)

Lunch– Salad with guacamole, (guacamole < 1 avocado, 1/4 diced red or white onion, Herbamare or sea salt to taste, chopped tomato, cilantro to taste> chopped romaine lettuce, black beans, chopped tomatoes, 1/2 lime squeezed, 1/2 red bell pepper chopped, olive oil)

Snack- carrot sticks with hummus, green juice (2 carrot, 1 tomato, 5 leaves any green)

Dinner- Cortney’s Green Smoothie- (1/2 avocado, 3 handfuls baby greens, 1/2 c broccoli sprouts, 1/2 bell pepper, 1 handful sunflower sprouts, 1 tomato, 1/2-1 c freshly cooked/frozen beans of your choice, 2 whole carrots, 1 apple)

Dessert– naturally decaffeinated herbal tea.

3. Daily Questions?

Do you feel you are breaking any eating habits or addictions? Explain.

What has been most difficult about this Cleanse so far?

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12 thoughts on “14 Day Summer Cleanse: Day 4

  1. I love that you have written these menu’s out, thank you so much. I am trying to get well, and I am going to try to do this. Thank you so much for all you have shared as to how you got well.

  2. awww. little roo is getting so big! i wish i could have gone on this cleanse with you! but shiz, i barely have time to shower and brush my teeth. 😛 hope my little one loves veggies as much as yours does! must eat more greens…

  3. 1. I feel like I am reminding myself of the old habits I’ve allowed to creep back in gradually and it’s a great refresher to go back to what saved my health (and my life)!

    2. Most difficult is eating enough salad. I have ALWAYS struggled with eating salad (hence “greendrinkdiaries” not “greensaladdiaries”) I just want to get it over with. It takes me over an hour to eat a salad that is still LESS veggies than what I put in my smoothie.

  4. YES … I AM
    today I have consumed 1345 gr of greens (1003 cal) … there is a first for every thing
    I am amazed by how well I am doing this cleanse …no lost impulse control … no hunger, quite the opposite, I am stuffed with wonderful organic greens … it is all about taking care of me and meme and I have no desire to break it … Cortney you have done a very good job mixing the menu … it is not boring … it is delicious and I love it.

  5. one positive thing – I feel way less “puffy” or “bloated”… The one pound I have lost is probably water weight, but that is ok!!
    one difficult thing – my job revolves around food – lunch meetings, candy around the office…. so much food! Why do Christians have to have food at EVERY function or meeting???

    • UGH! i know this feeling…why is there always food around at work?? There’s always something “leftover” in the front office at my school. It’s never worth it 🙂 I just keep telling myself that. It is like an addiction for me I must stay away from. 🙂

  6. Hi Cortney! I am really enjoying this cleanse 🙂 The hardest part has been the “salad smoothies”, I can see why a vitamix would be so nice, my blender leaves them a little think and chunky. Although my kids love the thick smoothies, so we’ve been eating them together and having fun! Thanks so much for posting all the recipes, I just follow along and do exactly what you say, this was much needed. The most difficult part about this cleanse is blending and juicing at 5:30am before work and not waking the house up. I went on my back deck and had my own little sunrise party with my blender. The neighbors may think I’m a little strange, but my kids didn’t wake up so we’re all good!

    • Oh my gosh! I’m laughing because I’ve been there too! I have also blended in the bathroom before while at my inlaws house. I’m so happy for you and even happier that the kids like it! IF we give it to them they will usually eat it at that age. 🙂