Green Drink Winter Wellness Gift Baskets

Hello Family and Friends!

I hope you are enjoying your Winter Wellness baskets. (:

ACF and Vitamin D- These are my primary immune boosting supplements for winter wellness care. Although best received from natural sunlight, Vitamin D is essential for staying well throughout cold and flu “season.” Please note that the ACF is not meant to be taken for enjoyment. It has a very potent taste, but if you have ever drank a shot of strong alcohol, I trust you can handle the ACF, especially seeing that you KNOW its health benefits! For the most affordable place to purchase them, click HERE.

Green Tea- I drink 3-5 cups of green tea A DAY because of the phytonutrients, antioxidants, and anti-cancer properties present in a quality green tea. See my post HERE for why I continue to do this and why you should too!

Stevia- Derived from the stevia plant, this is a natural, plant-based sweetener. Sweeten gradually, as it is very potent! I use stevia in my green tea everyday. You can also make delicious hot chocolate using almond milk, melted dark chocolate and chocolate flavored stevia.

Chicken Broth- It is well-known wives tale that Chicken Noodle Soup is perfect for when you’re sick, but homemade chicken broth is where the true medicinal properties are found! If you’re feeling bold, try making your own using my recipe!

Emergen-C- I haven’t personally used Emergen-C, but it is well known for being effective for its use at the onset of a cold. Large doses of Vitamin C has even been documented to combat cancer, particular lywhen administered intravenously.

Elderberry/ Zinc Cough Drops- Read more about the benefits of Elderberry HERE! You can buy these at Vitacost HERE.

Soap- Wash your hands with warm water and soap that does not include triclosan (an antibacterial product included in many soaps that can dry out skin and leads to super-bug resistance.) Our favorite for keeping winter skin moisturized is Grandpa’s soap.


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