Making Lemonade from Lemons- My “Overdue” Stevia Lemonade Recipe

I HATE “due dates.” I have been meaning to publish this post for weeks now, but in my last few weeks of this pregnancy, my motivation has been my worst enemy. I am sitting here now with my second child’s “due date” being YESTERDAY. I am officially “overdue” at a time when it seems that everyone and their mother (really- their mothers too) are telling me their birth stories of how their second children were born EARLY and their labor was so FAST.

Just this morning, our good friend who was due 10 days after me went into labor with their FIRST child. We are anxiously awaiting the birth of their sweet boy or girl, but my more human, wordly side wonders WHY ON EARTH is my second baby OVERDUE when the word on the street is that second births are typically early?

I know- you are probably so over my whining. Honestly, I am too! I am grateful for this “overdue” baby after a miscarriage last summer, when I swore I would be pregnant for 1,000 months if I knew it would result in a healthy baby.

This post is my effort to get my impatient self together and make some lemonade from lemons- in more ways than one.

Stevia Sweetened Lemonade

  • 24 oz filtered water
  • 2-3 Tbsp lemon juice depending on taste preference
  • 6-8 ice cubes
  • 24 drops of Stevita liquid stevia (or an equivalent amount of other Stevia brands to taste)


1. Pour all ingredients into a 32 ounce mason jar sized glass and garnish with a lemon wedge.

2. Enjoy the DELICIOUS flavor and other health benefits of lemons such as high amounts of Vitamin C, digestive help, and its alkalizing effect in the body.


My daughter was born two days later with an easy delivery and recovery! (:

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15 thoughts on “Making Lemonade from Lemons- My “Overdue” Stevia Lemonade Recipe

  1. I have been juicing lemons and freezing the juice in various size containers. I thaw a container and keep it in the refrigerator and make my daily lemonade (YAY for stevia!).from that.
    Nice to know I’m in good company with other lemonade/stevia lovers!!

  2. AH!! I just read this and realized that you were talking about me! I felt so bad when you came to visit us in the hospital that day. So grateful to know that sweet Anabel came soon after and didn’t hold out any longer! 🙂 Totally making this lemonade this week 🙂

  3. Don’t you love how babies make liars out of us ;-). They all come in their own time, in their own way, and regardless of those pesky due dates! I’ve come to tell people I’m due “around” this date instead of due on it. Doesn’t help a whole lot when that date comes and goes, but like you said “1000 months if it means a healthy baby”. Glad to see you’re making lemonade out of it and know that your family in Texas is still praying for you and anxiously awaiting news from your mom!!!!

  4. Hang in there, girl. I can’t imagine how it feels to not only be uncomfortable physically, but eager to meet your new tiny person! I can’t wait to see photos, and am sending you love, light, and strength.

  5. Praying for you, dear friend!!

    My first baby was three weeks early – I was (sadly) very resentful about that for far too long…I felt so under-prepared. I know how different it is with your second pregnancy, though! You’re just going to be REALLY ready when baby arrives. LOL!

    I never think to make lemonade and I love lemons – thanks for the idea to do it in the Vitamix! …do you blend the seeds right along in there too, then?