Green Drink Commitments- February

So, just in case anyone is noticing- it’s February! Where did January go??!! I feel like I just finished Green Drink Commitments 2012 series and here it is the second month of this opportunistic year!

Just in case you were wanting in on the action- it’s never too late to make a “Commitment”. In my 4th grade classroom, we make and break commitments all of the time. That’s the point. You keep it at the forefront of your day, but if you mess up (or “whoops” as I call it,) there’s tomorrow to start fresh with clarity. The KEY is to remind yourself of your commitment(s) daily so that you are convicted of stagnance or complacency.

My 2012 Commitments Update:

Physical-  Daily “Holy Yoga” YES- so far I have done well with this. I have had several “whoops” days, but by setting my goal high (6 days a week- rest on Sundays,) I have practiced yoga 4-5 days a week in the last month. I am intentional about this becoming a ritual, not a forced goal.

So, my revised commitment, realistically is that I will practice yoga 4-5 days a week, increasing my stretch each day and learning new poses each week.

Nutritional- Budwig Protocol consistent and increased juicing. YES and NO- I have done fine with the Cottage Cheese/ Flaxseed Oil (and in fact have increased the frequency to 5 days weekly from 4) but my juicing has been so-so. Last weekend I juiced Cucumber Beet Juice but that’s been the only juicing so far.

So, my revised commitment would be to juice once on the weekends for now, when I have time to clean up!

Educational- Read “Relearning to See: Improve Your Eyesight Naturally!” and apply. YES- and I am loving this book! More on it later as I get better at the techniques is teaches, but I have made this commitment!

Relational- Focus on 1-2 Friends and connect with one friend a week, forgive myself for not writing thank-you notes and calling or emailing instead.  NO and YES on this one. I still struggle with making time for friends, but I have done better. Not sure if I made my once a week quota every week, but I am being intentional about it when I am thinking about this commitment! I am doing a splendid job in thanking people in my prefered way!

Financial- Purchases only from Debit card. Give 10% of my income away. Sorta yes and Big YES. I’ll save you the nitty gritty of my finances, but since we’re the judge on our own commitment, I would vote YES on this one.

Emotional/ Spiritual- Pray for Confidence and Boldness for myself. Relax my guilt. NO and YES. Wow, I actually have been so focused on my physical commitment that this one has evolved without me knowing. I have not prayed for boldness and confidence like I hoped to, but events in my life have occured where I practice them more than ever.

Lately, I have found myself speaking or emailing with others who are newly fighting their cancer with holistic or alternative methods. I must project confidence and boldness when doing this. I am so thankful to have had the experience of beating cancer in the way I did so I can help others doing the same. My prayer lately is to be USED to help and encourage others in their healing journey.

How are you all doing?!! As you can see, sometimes you can only focus on one commitment at a time. Thank goodness we have a whole year for these! Take a minute to jot down how you are doing in the comments section! Keep up with your commitments and you can’t help but see AWESOME change! (:



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6 thoughts on “Green Drink Commitments- February

  1. I just started reading Cancer Free. I came upon your blog and I haven’t stopped reading it for hours. Thank you. I was diagnosed with stage 1 ER /PR + estrogen progesterone . I had a lumpectomy and internal radiation one dose. 7 months later they found another tumor in the same breast. I have been preparing to start the budwigs protocol CC/FO. But is their something about it not being recommended for breast cancer?

    • Becky- I have spoken about this with other women with breast cancer who have the same concern and also talked with Dr. Veronique Desaulniers (google her). The phytoestrogen in the flaxseeds are NOT the same as excess estrogen in your body that may be issue with the cause of your breast cancer or fueling any growth. I have only read of benefits of consuming flaxseed oil to help combat excess estrogen! You want to also make sure you are only consuming organic cottage cheese, 1 or 2 percent with NO carrageenan on the ingredients list.

  2. Thank you so much. Yes you nailed it though. It takes up all of my time. It also can cause your tumors to swell and grow. You can’t really tell if it is working. I will look up the Gerson’s plus Coley’s toxins. I already bought Bill Hendersons book. I wish I would have found it before i started the Gerson.

    I haven’t really found any study’s on hodgkin’s in the gerson therapy. The Dr. I went to said that his nephew had hodgkin’s 15 yrs ago and they cured it on the gerson therapy. I had to drive 10 hrs to see this Dr and pay $6500. to stay in there clinic for 10 days!

    Any ways, the tumors i had on my last scan were in my neck, under my sternum, the lower left side of my rib cage ( where it has incased a main artery) and it had also spread to my right lung where the dr punctured it during my last biopsy. I’m just prayin right now that i have kept it from spreading any where else. Oh before i forget I live in Redding CA.

    I just have one more question for ya. How did you know what supplements to take on Bill hendersons protocal? I know when i ordered the book i saw a phone number you could call to talk to him but i can’t find it. Thank you for everything you have been a great help!

    • Hi Kelly (:

      Talking to Bill is a great help, mainly becasue he has so much experience consulting with people with a variety of cancers and staging and has seen what has been most effective and not. I know his email is You can set up a phone consultation with him via email. You sound like you are on it and WANT to get well. That’s the biggest battle. You have to believe this will work and shift to a mindset of confidence over cancer. I believe you are going to beat this. (:

  3. First of all I just want to say congratulations on beating your cancer! It’s deff not an easy rode. Like you had, I have a form of hodgkin’s to. hodgkin lymphoma stage 2b. Unfortunatly I did chemo for 6 months and i did the abvd, this did not work so I did 3 months of I.C.E, this also was not working. After I heard what they were going to do to me next I walked out and didn’t go back.I have started my gerson protocal 7 weeks ago. I am really scared though. My tumor has been growing still. Some times i think i’m having healing reactions but I am not sure. If they are then I have them for a few days at a time. I guess my question to you would be did your tumor grow at all on your protocol? Besides blood work and what not, which i can’t seem to find a dr who will help with, how did you know if you were having healing reactions? Sorry about the spelling. Thank you for your time and God bless you for helping others!

    • Hi Kelly! Wow, YOU are amazing and have been through a lot! When I hear stories like yours, I remember the feelings and emotions I experienced in the earlier days of my cancer diagnosis. With holistic methods, you become empowered. You realize that your mind has much power over your situation, and you can choose what you put in your body. You need to affirm to yourself “I am healed.” “My body heals.”

      You had IIIb originally, but what did the doctor say the cancer was located after your last scan (assuming they probably did one?) Also, what studies did you read (if you could find any) about Gerson and Hodgkin’s? I have seen this:, but it’s only one testimony.

      I hate that I’m saying this, but I have never been a huge fan of the Gerson therapy. Please don’t let me sway you if you are loving it and believe in it, but this is why: I don’t like how it seems to to take over your life- coffee enemas each day involve making fresh organic coffee and laying on the floor for 20 minutes at a time, and if you don’t have a support person with you full-time to make your juices 9 times a day, that’s what you’ll spend your day doing. I remember that becasue I was still working full time while going through my holistic protocols, I didn’t have the time for this. I also began feeling depressed because of the overhwhelming fact that I had cancer, couldn’t eat the way I used to, couldn’t have the carefree lifestyle that I used to etc. It’s important to have a protocol that is sustainable.

      I think there are many other modifications on Gerson or “Gerson Plus” as people sometimes call it, that can be better and less life consuming.

      I sent you an email with some of this and a few other ideas. Please remember- sometimes healing holistically can be a slow process. Try not to get caught up in the obsession of the size of your tumors, etc. I managed to find an oncologist who was supportive in my desire to “watch and wait” as he called it, but my situation was much different than yours. I would look for a naturopath in your area. Where do you live? I personally believe strongly in the Bill Henderson protocol which I talk about in the “How I Beat Cancer” tab on the top of my blog home page. Also, research “Gerson plus Coley’s toxins.” There’s a support page on facebook for Holistic and Alternative Cancer Support that has many survivors and people currently going through alternative cancer. Some of them have had success with Gerson plus Coley’s toxins (: