Alternative Breast Cancer Survivors: Ann

Ann Fonfa

I became strongly interested in Ann after reading her story in the book, “I Beat Cancer: 50 People Tell You How They Did It.” It turns out she is from my home town in South Florida and is very active in the Anti-Cancer community all over the world. She founded the Annie Appleseed Project, a non-profit organization devoted to raising awareness to alternative and complementary cancer therapies.


Ann Fonfa was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer in early 1993. She was given a lumpectomy, during which the doctor also removed several lymph nodes without her consent.

Her oncologist suggested radiation as the standard protocol but after her own research Ann believed that the statistics for that treatment were not impressive enough to outweigh the risks of the radiation.

After refusing the radiation treatment, Ann joined a support group in New York City. After her mentioning of her interest in alternative therapies, the group became more of a study group- studying the various alternative therapies and sharing their discoveries. She began on “metabolic treatment” to combat her cancer.

In 1995, Ann’s cancer reoccurred locally. She attempted to reverse it with a more intense “metabolic protocol” but the tumors continued to grow and multiply. At this point, she had a mastectomy and began treatment with the Gerson Therapy at a clinic run by the Gerson Research Organization. Her experience there can be found HERE.

Over the next 20 years or so, Ann continued to battle recurrences with her cancer. This has lead her to become very knowledgeable about various Alternative and Complementary therapies that she shares on her website. She is happy to say that as of summer, 2011 she is cancer-free!

In my research of Ann, I realized there are already so many interviews and resources she has given so I have listed them below. Ann is full of tremendous knowledge and research. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, Ann and the Annie Appleseed Project should be a first-stop resource for you!

Ann’s Current Biography

Ann’s Articles and Protocols (scroll down towards the bottom- this site deserves a much better design!)

Ann’s Interview with

Ann’s Interview with Nutraceutical World

Ann’s Interview with the Breast Health Project


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